1 AGBEGNENOU Clarisse France Seniors - Female -63
2 AMARON Emilie Switzerland Seniors - Female -57
3 ANDEOL Emilie France Seniors - Female +78
4 BARKELING Emma Sweden Seniors - Female -63
5 BEDŽETI Vlora Slovenia Seniors - Female -57
6 BERNABEU AVOMO Maria Spain Seniors - Female -70
7 BONNA Penelope France Seniors - Female -52
8 BUCHARD Amandine France Seniors - Female -48
9 BUIOK Mariia Ukraine Seniors - Female -52
10 CAPRIORIU Corina Romania Seniors - Female -57
11 CERIĆ Larisa Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female +78
12 CHERNYAK Maryna Ukraine Seniors - Female -48
13 CHITU Andrea Romania Seniors - Female -52
14 COHEN Gili Israel Seniors - Female -52
15 CONWAY Sally Great Britain Seniors - Female -70
16 CSATARI Larissa Switzerland Seniors - Female -57
17 CSERNOVICZKI Eva Hungary Seniors - Female -48
18 DAMYANOVA Borislava Bulgaria Seniors - Female -48
19 DE SAEDELAERE Sofie Belgium Seniors - Female -78
20 DENISENKOVA Ekaterina Russia Seniors - Female -70
21 DMITRIEVA Anastasia Russia Seniors - Female -78
22 DREXLER Hilde Austria Seniors - Female -63
23 EMANE Gevrise France Seniors - Female -70
24 EQUISOAIN Jaione Spain Seniors - Female -57
25 FERRARI Valeria Italy Seniors - Female -70
26 FIGUEROA Julia Spain Seniors - Female -48
27 FILZMOSER Sabrina Austria Seniors - Female -57
28 FLETCHER Megan Great Britain Seniors - Female -70
29 FLORIAN Larisa Romania Seniors - Female -52
30 FREITAS Leandra Portugal Seniors - Female -48
31 FURMANEK Katarzyna Poland Seniors - Female -78
32 GALEONE Assunta Italy Seniors - Female -78
33 GAZIEVA Irina Russia Seniors - Female -70
34 GERBI Yarden Israel Seniors - Female -63
35 GERCSAK Szabina Hungary Seniors - Female -63
36 GIORGIS VALENTINA Italy Seniors - Female -63
37 GIUFFRIDA ODETTE Italy Seniors - Female -52
38 GOMEZ Laura Spain Seniors - Female -52
39 GRAF Bernadette Austria Seniors - Female -70
40 GROL Carla Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
41 GWEND Edwige Italy Seniors - Female -63
42 HARACIC Sabina Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -78
43 HERMANSSON Mia Sweden Seniors - Female -63
44 HEVONDIAN Shushana Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
45 ILIEVA Ivelina Bulgaria Seniors - Female -57
46 JABLONSKYTE Sandra Lithuania Seniors - Female +78
47 JOO Abigel Hungary Seniors - Female -78
48 KACHOROVSKAYA Alena Russia Seniors - Female -78
49 KARA Kubra Turkey Seniors - Female +78
50 KARAKAS Hedvig Hungary Seniors - Female -57
51 KAZANOI Daniela Belarus Seniors - Female -63
52 KEARNEY Lisa Ireland Seniors - Female -52
53 KELMENDI Majlinda Albania Seniors - Female -52
54 KOCATURK Gulsah Turkey Seniors - Female +78
55 KONDRATYEVA Nataliya Russia Seniors - Female -48
56 KONIECZNY Ewa Poland Seniors - Female -48
57 KONITZ Franziska Germany Seniors - Female +78
58 KRAEH Mareen Germany Seniors - Female -52
59 KRASNIQI Distria IJF Seniors - Female -48
60 KUELBS Jasmin Germany Seniors - Female +78
61 KUZYUTINA Natalia Russia Seniors - Female -52
62 KŁYS Katarzyna Poland Seniors - Female -70
63 LEVYTSKA Tetyana Ukraine Seniors - Female -52
64 LOKMANHEKIM Dilara Turkey Seniors - Female -48
65 LOUETTE Lucie France Seniors - Female -78
66 MALZAHN Luise Germany Seniors - Female -78
67 MARANIĆ Ivana Croatia Seniors - Female -78
68 MARZOK Iljana Germany Seniors - Female -70
69 MATIĆ Barbara Croatia Seniors - Female -70
70 MOHAMED-SEGHIR Halima Poland Seniors - Female -63
71 MONTEIRO Telma Portugal Seniors - Female -57
72 MOSCATT Valentina Italy Seniors - Female -48
73 MOSSONG Lynn Luxembourg Seniors - Female -70
74 NAREKS Petra Slovenia Seniors - Female -52
75 OHAI Loredana Romania Seniors - Female -57
76 OSOIANU Tatiana Moldova Seniors - Female -48
77 OZDOBA Agata Poland Seniors - Female -63
78 PAKENYTE Santa Lithuania Seniors - Female +78
79 PAVIA Automne France Seniors - Female -57
80 PAWLIKOWSKA Zuzanna Poland Seniors - Female -52
81 PITZANTI Jennifer Italy Seniors - Female -70
82 POGAČNIK ANKA Slovenia Seniors - Female -70
83 POLAVDER Lucija Slovenia Seniors - Female +78
84 POLLING Kim Netherlands Seniors - Female -70
85 POP Alexandra Romania Seniors - Female -48
86 POSVITE Fanny Estelle France Seniors - Female -70
87 POWELL Natalie Great Britain Seniors - Female -78
88 PUCHE PALAO Isabel Spain Seniors - Female -63
89 Podolak Arleta Poland Seniors - Female -57
90 QASIMOVA Kifayət Yaqub Azerbaijan Seniors - Female -57
91 RAMIREZ Yahima Portugal Seniors - Female -78
92 RAMOS Joana Portugal Seniors - Female -52
93 ROBRA Juliane Switzerland Seniors - Female -70
94 ROPER YEARWOOD Miryam Germany Seniors - Female -57
95 ROSSENEU Amelie Belgium Seniors - Female -48
96 RUMYANTSEVA Kristina Russia Seniors - Female -48
97 RYZHOVA Yulia Russia Seniors - Female -52
98 SALLES Laura Andorra Seniors - Female -63
99 SAMARDŽIĆ Aleksandra Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -70
100 SAVELKOULS Tessie Netherlands Seniors - Female +78
101 SEJDINOVIČ Selma Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -52
102 SKRYPNIK Darya Belarus Seniors - Female -52
103 SLUTSKAYA Maryna Belarus Seniors - Female +78
104 STANKEVICH Zhanna Armenia Seniors - Female -52
105 STEENHUIS Guusje Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
106 SUMEYYE Akkus Turkey Seniors - Female -48
107 SZABO Franciska Hungary Seniors - Female -70
108 SZABO Katinka Hungary Seniors - Female -57
109 TALARN Laia Spain Seniors - Female -78
110 TARANGUL Romy Germany Seniors - Female -52
111 TAŁACH Karolina Poland Seniors - Female -70
112 TCHEUMEO Audrey France Seniors - Female -78
113 TELTSIDOU Elisavet Greece Seniors - Female -63
114 TORT MERINO Marta Spain Seniors - Female -78
115 TRAJDOS Martyna Germany Seniors - Female -63
116 TRSTENJAK Tina Slovenia Seniors - Female -63
117 TURKS Victoria Ukraine Seniors - Female -78
118 UNTERWURZACHER Kathrin Austria Seniors - Female -63
119 VAN EMDEN Anicka Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
120 VARGAS-KOCH Laura Germany Seniors - Female -70
121 VELENŠEK Anamari Klementina Slovenia Seniors - Female -78
122 VERKERK Marhinde Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
123 WILDIKAN Lior Israel Seniors - Female -70
124 ZABLUDINA Irina Russia Seniors - Female -57
125 ČIŽMEK Andreja Croatia Seniors - Female -63