SÄGESSER Colin Full competitor profile
JS Nippon Basel
Kategorija U21 - Male -66 , U18 - Male -66
1 place , 5 place
U21 - Male -66
1/8 [02:03]
00 0s : 11 0s
RUCKSTUHL Jerome JJJC Brugg Switzerland
quarter final [01:59]
10 0s : 00 0s
JAMAK Ahmed Bosna Sarajevo Bosnia and Hercegovina
semi final [03:14]
00 0s : 02 0s
MORGENEGG Valentino Ecole Judo Dégallier Switzerland
final [00:44]
10 0s : 00 0s
ESCRIG Gaspard Judo Kwai Lausanne Switzerland
U18 - Male -66
1/8 [02:06]
00 0s : 11 0s
SPIRONELLI Luca JC Meyrin Switzerland
quarter final [01:44]
00 0s : 11 0s
JAMAK Ahmed Bosna Sarajevo Bosnia and Hercegovina
semi final [01:58]
00 0s : 10 0s
ROHNER Maxim JJJC Brugg Switzerland
bronze [03:46]
10 0s : 01 0s
MATT Théo JC Cheseaux Switzerland