1 EASTON Tinka Australia Seniors - Female -52
2 ILIĆ Gordana Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -52
3 JOVANOVIĆ Tamara Serbia Seniors - Female -52
4 KNETIG Emoke Hungary Seniors - Female -52
5 KOSONEN Marianne Finland Seniors - Female -52
6 KRIŠANDOVA Andrea Slovakia Seniors - Female -52
7 PETROVIĆ Mila Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -52
8 SILVA Tamara Switzerland Seniors - Female -52
9 TARONCHER Olivia Austria Seniors - Female -52
10 TESSMANN Janina Germany Seniors - Female -52
11 TOMASELLI Valentina Italy Seniors - Female -52
12 TROPAN Teja Slovenia Seniors - Female -52
13 UJDUR Ana Bosnia and Hercegovina Seniors - Female -52