1 AGH University of Science and Technology 0 1 1
2 Abertay University 1 0 1
3 Aix-Marseille University 3 0 3
4 Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences 1 1 2
5 Anglia Ruskin University 0 1 1
6 Anglia Ruskin University 0 1 1
7 Aston Univeristy 0 1 1
8 Babes Bolyai University 0 1 1
9 Baden Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn 2 0 2
10 Birmingham Newman University 1 0 1
11 Budapest Business University 3 0 3
12 Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1 0 1
13 Charles University 6 1 7
14 College of Physical Education and Sport Palestra 3 0 3
15 Comenius University 2 0 2
16 Corvinus University of Budapest 1 0 1
17 Czech Technical University Prague 1 0 1
18 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 2 0 2
19 De Montfort University 1 0 1
20 Delft University of Technology 0 1 1
21 Durham University 1 1 2
22 Edutus University 1 1 2
23 Eindhoven University of Technology 1 0 1
24 Eotvos Lorand University 2 0 2
25 Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University 3 1 4
26 Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven 0 1 1
27 Geneva School of Health Sciences 1 0 1
28 Georgian National University SEU 7 0 7
29 German Sport University Cologne 6 5 11
30 German University for Prevention and Health Management 0 2 2
31 Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi 1 0 1
32 HAN University of Applied Sciences 6 1 7
33 HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht 0 1 1
34 Hanze University of Applied Sciences 1 1 2
35 Heidelberg University of Education 1 0 1
36 Higher School Brussels Brabant 0 1 1
37 Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences 2 0 2
38 Hungarian University of Sports Science 4 2 6
39 Jan Evangelista Purkyne University 0 1 1
40 John von Neumann University 1 0 1
41 Kaunas University of Technology 0 1 1
42 King's College London 1 0 1
43 Leiden University 0 1 1
44 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu   3 1 4
45 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 0 1 1
46 Maastricht University 1 0 1
47 Masaryk University 2 0 2
48 National University of Public Service 0 1 1
49 Nyenrode Business University 1 0 1
50 Obuda University 1 0 1
51 Pantheon-Sorbonne University 1 0 1
52 Paris Nanterre University 2 0 2
53 Pazmany Peter Catholic University 0 2 2
54 Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon 1 2 3
55 Polytechnic University of Bucharest 4 4 8
56 Polytechnic University of Catalonia 1 1 2
57 Polytechnic University of Valencia 1 2 3
58 Pompeu Fabra University 2 1 3
59 Radboud University Nijmegen 1 2 3
60 Rey Juan Carlos University 1 0 1
61 Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen 0 1 1
62 Saarland University 1 0 1
63 Saxion University of Applied Sciences 0 1 1
64 Semmelweis University 1 0 1
65 Silesian University in Opava 0 1 1
66 Sports Management School Paris 0 1 1
67 Sumy State University 4 5 9
68 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen 1 1 2
69 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne 1 0 1
70 Szechenyi Istvan University 5 3 8
71 Technical University Darmstadt 1 0 1
72 Technical University of Ostrava 1 0 1
73 Teesside University 0 1 1
74 Teesside University 1 0 1
75 The Franco-European Institute of Chiropractice 0 1 1
76 University Donja Gorica 1 0 1
77 University Palacky Olomouc 2 0 2
78 University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier 0 1 1
79 University of Amsterdam 2 0 2
80 University of Apllied Sciences and Arts Holzminden 0 1 1
81 University of Applied Sciences Bern 0 1 1
82 University of Applied Sciences Esslingen 1 0 1
83 University of Applied Sciences in Hannover 1 0 1
84 University of Barcelona 1 2 3
85 University of Birmingham 0 2 2
86 University of Bologna 1 1 2
87 University of Bordeaux 0 2 2
88 University of Burgundy 1 0 1
89 University of Cambridge 0 1 1
90 University of Camerino 3 2 5
91 University of Clermont Auvergne 0 1 1
92 University of Coimbra 2 1 3
93 University of Cologne 0 1 1
94 University of Debrecen 2 1 3
95 University of Dubrovnik 1 2 3
96 University of Duisburg-Essen 1 0 1
97 University of Fribourg 1 0 1
98 University of Geneva 1 0 1
99 University of Glasgow 1 0 1
100 University of Goettingen 2 0 2
101 University of Grenoble Alpes 3 2 5
102 University of Groningen 1 0 1
103 University of Hamburg 0 1 1
104 University of Innsbruck 1 0 1
105 University of Kaiserslautern-Landau 1 0 1
106 University of Lausanne 0 1 1
107 University of Leipzig 3 4 7
108 University of Linz 2 0 2
109 University of Lisbon 2 1 3
110 University of Ljubljana 3 0 3
111 University of Lyon 1 0 1
112 University of Macerata 1 0 1
113 University of Manchester 1 0 1
114 University of Maribor 1 0 1
115 University of Miskolc 1 1 2
116 University of Montenegro 1 0 1
117 University of Montpellier 1 0 1
118 University of Orleans 5 7 12
119 University of Pardubice 0 1 1
120 University of Paris 2 0 2
121 University of Paris Saclay 1 0 1
122 University of Pecs 1 1 2
123 University of Poitiers 1 0 1
124 University of Porto 1 1 2
125 University of Rouen 2 0 2
126 University of Salford 0 1 1
127 University of Salzburg 0 1 1
128 University of Split 5 1 6
129 University of Stuttgart 1 0 1
130 University of Tubingen 0 1 1
131 University of Vienna 3 1 4
132 University of Wolverhampton 0 1 1
133 University of Wroclaw 1 0 1
134 University of Zagreb 3 2 5
135 VU University of Amsterdam 2 2 4
136 Vienna University of Technology 0 1 1
137 Vytautas Magnus University 4 2 6
138 Windesheim University of Applied Sciences 1 0 1
139 Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences 4 6 10
140 undefined 0 1 1
189 119 308