1 ANGERER Robin Baden Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn Seniors - Male -66
2 BEN SAAD Firas University of Linz Seniors - Male -66
3 BRIARD Jessy King's College London Seniors - Male -66
4 DUDAS BENCE University of Debrecen Seniors - Male -66
5 DUNAUSKAS AUDRIUS Vytautas Magnus University Seniors - Male -66
6 DVOŘÁČEK Antonín Charles University Seniors - Male -66
7 FAILLA ALBERTO University of Glasgow Seniors - Male -66
8 FERNANDES BERNARDO University of Coimbra Seniors - Male -66
9 GOMBAS BALINT MARK Hungarian University of Sports Science Seniors - Male -66
10 HOLOBORODKO MYKYTA Sumy State University Seniors - Male -66
11 HUBERT Adrien University of Paris Saclay Seniors - Male -66
12 HYPTA Dawid Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences Seniors - Male -66
13 KATOELE Twan Hanze University of Applied Sciences Seniors - Male -66
14 KUHLMANN Tristan University of Innsbruck Seniors - Male -66
15 MAKSA CSABA University of Miskolc Seniors - Male -66
16 MANDACHE TONI Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Seniors - Male -66
17 MATHE BENCE BARNABAS Corvinus University of Budapest Seniors - Male -66
18 MEIXNER Tomáš Technical University of Ostrava Seniors - Male -66
19 MELENDEZ RENGIFO GABRIËL University of Amsterdam Seniors - Male -66
20 MYERS Anton De Montfort University Seniors - Male -66
21 Moravík Jan Charles University Seniors - Male -66
22 PAK MARAT NIKITA University of Stuttgart Seniors - Male -66
23 RADOVIĆ Petar University of Montenegro Seniors - Male -66
24 RICHAMP DA SILVA Antoine University of Orleans Seniors - Male -66
25 SCHWANDER Lionel Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen Seniors - Male -66
26 SHARIPOV HAMZA Saarland University Seniors - Male -66
27 TOMAŠEVIĆ Marko University of Dubrovnik Seniors - Male -66
28 VIDA Andras Szechenyi Istvan University Seniors - Male -66
29 VREELING Tristan VU University of Amsterdam Seniors - Male -66
30 ZENDER Piotr Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences Seniors - Male -66
31 ZOROTOVIĆ Nikola University of Split Seniors - Male -66
32 ŠKOMRLJ Ivan University of Split Seniors - Male -66
33 ᲒᲐᲡᲘᲢᲐᲨᲕᲘᲚᲘ გურამ Georgian National University SEU Seniors - Male -66