1 BECKER Celine University of Hamburg Seniors - Female -70
2 CHAKIBOU ENIOLA University of Orleans Seniors - Female -70
3 CIANO RAFFAELLA LELIA University of Camerino Seniors - Female -70
4 CZERLAU JENNIFER STEPHANIE University of Miskolc Seniors - Female -70
5 DE ALMEIDA TORRES ADRIANA Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon Seniors - Female -70
6 GONCALVES LISON University of Orleans Seniors - Female -70
7 GRIGORE MARIA NICOLETA Polytechnic University of Bucharest Seniors - Female -70
8 HIDALGO MARINA Polytechnic University of Catalonia Seniors - Female -70
9 HIEU-FILET LARA University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Seniors - Female -70
10 HRYTSENKO VIKTORIIA Sumy State University Seniors - Female -70
11 JACKSON LEAH University of Cambridge Seniors - Female -70
12 KLAUS JENNIFER REBECCA Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen Seniors - Female -70
13 KULIĆ Karla University of Split Seniors - Female -70
14 LLOYD Gwen University of Wolverhampton Seniors - Female -70
15 PUECHEL FABIENNE German Sport University Cologne Seniors - Female -70
16 REDDIG Mareike German Sport University Cologne Seniors - Female -70
17 RYTSKA MARIIA Sumy State University Seniors - Female -70
18 SCHUTJES LOTTE Leiden University Seniors - Female -70
19 STADLER Hanna University of Vienna Seniors - Female -70
20 TOLFO Fiona University of Grenoble Alpes Seniors - Female -70
21 VAN WONDEREN DAGMAR Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Seniors - Female -70
22 VASILIAUSKAITE Aida Vytautas Magnus University Seniors - Female -70
23 VETTERLI GIOIA Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen Seniors - Female -70
24 VIOLIĆ Anđela University of Dubrovnik Seniors - Female -70
25 ZARYCHTA Paulina Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences Seniors - Female -70
26 Zemanová Věra Jan Evangelista Purkyne University Seniors - Female -70
27 Zárybnická Julie University of Pardubice Seniors - Female -70