1 ABELTSHAUSER Kevin Germany Seniors - Male -73
2 ABRAHAM Titanilla Hungary Seniors - Female -57
3 ADAM Viktor Slovakia Seniors - Male -100
4 ADAMYAN Vache Austria Seniors - Male -60
5 ADARVEZ Karim Argentina Seniors - Male -73
6 ADORJÁNI Gergely Hungary Seniors - Male -81
7 AFYONLU Habibe Turkey Seniors - Female -63
8 AIARTZAGUENA TRINIDAD Aimar Spain Seniors - Male -90
9 AKDENIZ Minel Turkey Seniors - Female -63
10 AKIANA MONGO Matheo France Seniors - Male +100
11 ALLAN Finlay Great Britain Seniors - Male -66
12 ALSEIT Ykylas Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -73
13 ALTEMIROV Deny Belgium Seniors - Male -66
14 ALVEZ DUARTE David Ignacio Spain Seniors - Male -73
15 AMIHAI Shaked Israel Seniors - Female -78
16 ANDREOU Kyprianos Cyprus Seniors - Male -73
17 ANDREYAN Ashik Armenia Seniors - Male -60
18 ANNIS Morgane France Seniors - Female -48
19 ARANDA OLALLA Jose Antonio Spain Seniors - Male -73
20 ARSENIE Rares Romania Seniors - Male -100
21 AUER Marcus Austria Seniors - Male -66
22 AUST Phillip Austria Seniors - Male -73
23 AVANZATO ASIA Italy Seniors - Female -52
24 AYRE Charlie Great Britain Seniors - Male -60
25 BA Mamaoudou Kindi Spain Seniors - Male -81
26 BADASH Iftach Israel Seniors - Male -81
27 BAITAS BAKZHAN Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -100
28 BAKYTZHAN Aman Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -60
29 BALOGH Janos Hungary Seniors - Male +100
30 BARCZIKAY Akos Hungary Seniors - Male -73
31 BARRATT Oliver Great Britain Seniors - Male -100
32 BARROSO LOPEZ luis Spain Seniors - Male -60
33 BARTO Alex Slovakia Seniors - Male -90
34 BAUER Bettina Germany Seniors - Female -63
35 BELZ Marvin Germany Seniors - Male +100
36 BENITEZ MORENO Pablo Spain Seniors - Male -66
37 BEORLEGUI OSES Paula Spain Seniors - Female -52
38 BERR Sonja Michelle Germany Seniors - Female -63
39 BERTALANIČ ŽIŽEK Gal Slovenia Seniors - Male -100
40 BERTHET Lola France Seniors - Female -57
41 BIEDRZYCKI Hubert Poland Seniors - Male -60
42 BIEDRZYCKI Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -66
43 BIELIŃSKI Filip Poland Seniors - Male -73
44 BOECKER Florian Germany Seniors - Male -66
45 BOGDANIUK Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -100
46 BONFERRONI Aurélien Switzerland Seniors - Male -81
47 BORCHASHVILLI Magamed Austria Seniors - Male -81
48 BORDINSKYKH SOFIIA Ukraine Seniors - Female -63
49 BORS DUMITRESCU Lucian Romania Seniors - Male -73
50 BOUIZGARNE Samira Germany Seniors - Female +78
51 BOUSBAA DAB Nisrin Spain Seniors - Female -78
52 BOUTON Ian United States of America Seniors - Male -90
53 BOUVIER Gabrielle Belgium Seniors - Female +78
54 BRAS Margarida Portugal Seniors - Female -63
55 BRAS Raquel Portugal Seniors - Female -57
56 BRITO Raquel Portugal Seniors - Female -52
57 BROGA Simonas Lithuania Seniors - Male -73
58 BRONIEC Patryk Poland Seniors - Male +100
59 BUDDENKOTTE Eva Ronja Germany Seniors - Female -78
60 BULAVINA Ruslana Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
61 BULIĆ Josip Croatia Seniors - Male -90
62 BURK Lenny Linus Germany Seniors - Male -66
63 Borzęcki Bartosz Poland Seniors - Male -73
64 BĄCZEK Maria Poland Seniors - Female -70
65 BŁASZCZAK Igor Poland Seniors - Male -60
66 CALKA Tadas Lithuania Seniors - Male -73
67 CAMILO Dandara Brazil Seniors - Female -78
68 CANO MARTOS Alvaro Spain Seniors - Male -73
69 CARRANZA MORENO Alberto Spain Seniors - Male -60
70 CARROUTH Karlee United States of America Seniors - Female -63
71 CASTELLANO NARINO Thalia Romania Seniors - Female +78
72 CERVANTES GARCIA Daniel Spain Seniors - Male -66
73 CHAMERSKI Daniel Poland Seniors - Male +100
74 CHANTRE Diogo Portugal Seniors - Male -100
75 CHARLES Cameron Great Britain Seniors - Male -73
76 CHERNOV Vadym Ukraine Seniors - Male -66
77 CHEVALIER Mathilde France Seniors - Female -52
78 CHOBOT Klaudia Poland Seniors - Female -78
79 CHRISTENSEN Helene Denmark Seniors - Female -63
80 CHRISTIAENS Noah Belgium Seniors - Male -90
81 CHRYŚCINA Adam Poland Seniors - Male -73
82 CHYZHEVSKA ANASTASIIA Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
83 CIANO raffaellla lelia Italy Seniors - Female -63
84 CIEŚLIK Klaudia Poland Seniors - Female -52
85 CORNELISSE Pleuni Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
86 COUGHLAN Aoife Australia Seniors - Female -70
87 CRISOSTOMO Joana Portugal Seniors - Female -70
88 CSERKASZOV Mihaly Hungary Seniors - Male +100
89 CUHADAR Ahmet Turkey Seniors - Male -90
90 CUQ Pauline France Seniors - Female -52
91 CZERLAU Jennifer Romania Seniors - Female -70
92 DAVLATOV Sherzod Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -60
93 DE ANGELIS Anthony Latvia Seniors - Male -66
94 DE CARVALHO Alya France Seniors - Female -57
95 DE LANGE Joshua Netherlands Seniors - Male -81
96 DE OLIVEIRA Guilherme Brazil Seniors - Male -73
97 DELLO RUSSO Lino Andrea Germany Seniors - Male -66
98 DELVERT Etienne France Seniors - Male -81
99 DEMETER Bendeguz Hungary Seniors - Male -81
100 DEMETER Marcell Hungary Seniors - Male -81
101 DEMETS Robbe Belgium Seniors - Male -66
102 DEN HARTOG Floris Netherlands Seniors - Male -90
103 DIARRASSOUBA Oceane France Seniors - Female +78
104 DIJOL Titouan France Seniors - Male -73
105 DIMITROVA Gabriela Bulgaria Seniors - Female -52
106 DOBOS Levente Hungary Seniors - Male +100
107 DOKTOROV Denys Ukraine Seniors - Male -73
108 DORI Romi Israel Seniors - Female -57
109 DOS SANTOS Kauan Brazil Seniors - Male -81
110 DOSSYMOV Kudyret Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -90
111 DREXLER Philip Germany Seniors - Male -81
112 DRID Rania France Seniors - Female -63
113 DRZYMAŁ Paweł Poland Seniors - Male -81
114 DUBINA Hlib Ukraine Seniors - Male -66
115 DUMONT Manoah France Seniors - Male -66
116 DUPIN_ Lucie France Seniors - Female +78
117 DVOŘÁČEK Antonín Czechia Seniors - Male -66
118 DYBA Anna Poland Seniors - Female -78
119 DZIOPA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -78
120 DZITAC Ioan Romania Seniors - Male -73
121 Dudy David Czechia Seniors - Male -100
122 EASTON Tinka Australia Seniors - Female -57
123 EDERER Pierre Germany Seniors - Male -100
124 EILERTSEN Kornelius Norway Seniors - Male -90
125 ELBAZ Yehonatan Israel Seniors - Male -73
126 ESPADINHA Laura France Seniors - Female -48
127 ESPOSITO Fabrizio Italy Seniors - Male -73
128 FAIZOLLANOVA Zamzagul Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -78
129 FASCHING Bernd Austria Seniors - Male -81
130 FECZKO Csanad Austria Seniors - Male -60
131 FERNANDES B.Tralhao Portugal Seniors - Male -60
132 FERNANDEZ CAMPILLO Diego Spain Seniors - Male -73
133 FERNANDEZ CAMPILLO Sara Spain Seniors - Female -78
134 FIKS Eran Israel Seniors - Male -66
135 FITYKA Mateusz Poland Seniors - Male -60
136 FOLGER Viktoria Germany Seniors - Female -63
137 FOUBERT Karel Belgium Seniors - Male -81
138 FREGGIARO Ignacio Argentina Seniors - Male -66
139 FREITAS BEATRIZ Brazil Seniors - Female -78
140 FRIDEN Chiara Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
141 FRYER Michael Great Britain Seniors - Male -66
142 FRYER Lewis Great Britain Seniors - Male -66
143 FÍZEĽOVÁ EMA Slovakia Seniors - Female -70
144 GABLER Alexander Bernd Germany Seniors - Male -73
145 GADEAU Marvin Cote d Ivore Seniors - Male +100
146 GAGO Miguel Portugal Seniors - Male -66
147 GAL Ronny Israel Seniors - Female -78
148 GALBIATI LUCA Italy Seniors - Male -100
149 GALLINA MATTIA Italy Seniors - Male -90
150 GARCIA MARTIN marta Spain Seniors - Female -57
151 GARCIA OBENSA sergio Spain Seniors - Male -73
152 GARCIA OSADO Victor Spain Seniors - Male -66
153 GASSNER Samuel Austria Seniors - Male -73
154 GAUCH David Switzerland Seniors - Male -60
155 GAZALOEV Mouhammad Belgium Seniors - Male -73
156 GEILEN Joni Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
157 GEORGESCU Darius Romania Seniors - Male +100
158 GEROSA Loïc Switzerland Seniors - Male -81
159 GERSJES Amber Netherlands Seniors - Female -48
160 GERTSCH Olivia Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
161 GIDRON Ofir Israel Seniors - Female -57
162 GIMENES Karol Priscila Brazil Seniors - Female -78
163 GINER Oron Israel Seniors - Male -73
164 GIORGI GIULIA Italy Seniors - Female -52
165 GLEESON Bearach Ireland Seniors - Male -90
166 GLUBIAK Magda Poland Seniors - Female -70
167 GNAMIEN Tizie France Seniors - Male -90
168 GNETO Astride France Seniors - Female -52
169 GOGUA Theodoros Greece Seniors - Male -66
170 GOGUA Maria Eleni Greece Seniors - Female -52
171 GOMEZ ANTONA Gemma Maria Spain Seniors - Female -48
172 GOMEZ ANTONA Laura Spain Seniors - Female -52
173 GOMEZ LLORENS Pedro Spain Seniors - Male -60
174 GORANOVIĆ Petar Montenegro Seniors - Male -100
175 GORGUET-VERANES Maidelines Romania Seniors - Female -78
176 GRABNER Lisa Austria Seniors - Female -63
177 GRACIA GARIJO Ibai Spain Seniors - Male -73
178 GRAMKOW Tim Germany Seniors - Male -81
179 GRAUER Tayla Germany Seniors - Female -70
180 GREEN Joshua Ireland Seniors - Male -73
181 GREENBANK Jordon Australia Seniors - Male -73
182 GREENIDGE Wesley Great Britain Seniors - Male +100
183 GREGORY Max Great Britain Seniors - Male -100
184 GRENDYS Mateusz Poland Seniors - Male -81
185 GRZEŚKOWIAK Adam Poland Seniors - Male -90
186 GUILLARD Anatole France Seniors - Male -60
187 GUNCHENKO Stanislav Ukraine Seniors - Male -90
188 GUTMAN guy Israel Seniors - Male -66
189 GWÓŹDŹ Sebastian Poland Seniors - Male -81
190 GáBOR Áron Hungary Seniors - Male -73
191 HABERSTOCK Laura France Seniors - Female -70
192 HANSTEDE Linde Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
193 HASANAGAEV Robert Ukraine Seniors - Male -73
194 HAVASI Balint Hungary Seniors - Male -100
195 HAYUN Ilay Israel Seniors - Female -52
196 HEG Koen Netherlands Seniors - Male -81
197 HEGEDUS Bendeguz Hungary Seniors - Male -73
198 HEGYI Stephan Austria Seniors - Male +100
199 HERMODSSON Olof Sweden Seniors - Male -81
200 HEYNS Maxine Belgium Seniors - Female -70
201 HIDEN Verena Austria Seniors - Female -57
202 HIRANUMA Yamato Japan Seniors - Male -66
203 HOELLWART Maria Austria Seniors - Female +78
204 HOELTERHOFF Julie Germany Seniors - Female -78
205 HOMAN Khrystyna Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
206 HRYBYK Mykola Ukraine Seniors - Male +100
207 HULIN Kamil Poland Seniors - Male -81
208 HYPTA Dawid Poland Seniors - Male -66
209 IADOV Bogdan Ukraine Seniors - Male -73
210 ICKES David Germany Seniors - Male -66
211 IGNASIAK Ksawery Poland Seniors - Male -60
212 INSUA IGLESIAS Andrea Spain Seniors - Female -57
213 ISLAMHANOV Saif-Islam Austria Seniors - Male -90
214 ISSOUFI Kaila France Seniors - Female -78
215 JANECZKO Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -52
216 JANSSEN Danique Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
217 JAWOROWSKI Naemi Sweden Seniors - Female -63
218 JAŠEK Václav Czechia Seniors - Male +100
219 JOSHUA Noga Israel Seniors - Female -57
220 JĘDRZEJEWSKI Michał Poland Seniors - Male -100
221 KACZOREK Mikołaj Poland Seniors - Male -81
222 KALAITSIDIS Georgios Cyprus Seniors - Male -66
223 KALDYBEK Aigali Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -81
224 KANDEMIR Bayram Turkey Seniors - Male -81
225 KANELLOPOULOU Melina Greece Seniors - Female -78
226 KARADAG Aysenur Turkey Seniors - Female -57
227 KARADEMIR Ezgi Turkey Seniors - Female -63
228 KARGULOV Aldiyar Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -60
229 KARIMOV Khusniddin Uzbekistan Seniors - Male -73
230 KAZAKOVA Anna Ukraine Seniors - Female -78
231 KAZIMIERCZAK Adam Poland Seniors - Male -73
232 KEEN Tatum Great Britain Seniors - Female -52
233 KELEMEN Adél Hungary Seniors - Female -63
234 KHAKIMOV Mahomed Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
235 KHAMMO Yakiv Ukraine Seniors - Male +100
236 KHOMULA Artem Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
237 KISS Levente Hungary Seniors - Male -90
238 KLAUS-STERNWIESER Carina Austria Seniors - Female -52
239 KLEPININ Oleksandr Ukraine Seniors - Male -60
240 KLIMCZAK Kinga Poland Seniors - Female -52
241 KLIMKIEWICZ Krzysztof Poland Seniors - Male -66
242 KLOKOV ANDREJ Lithuania Seniors - Male -66
243 KOCIĘBA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female +78
244 KOIBAGAR Darkhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -73
245 KOKOLAYEV Matan Israel Seniors - Male -66
246 KONARE SISSOKO Deniba Spain Seniors - Female -57
247 KONOPKA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -70
248 KOSHLIAK Oleksandr Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
249 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita Hungary Seniors - Female -48
250 KOTEY Rachel Ghana Seniors - Female -70
251 KOVACS Kitti Hungary Seniors - Female -57
252 KOWALEWSKA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -70
253 KRAPU Emma Finland Seniors - Female -78
254 KREMERMAN Daniil Canada Seniors - Male -66
255 KRIZA Anna Hungary Seniors - Female -63
256 KRYZHANSKYI Marat Ukraine Seniors - Male -90
257 KRÓL Dominik Poland Seniors - Male -81
258 KUCHAVA Iia Ukraine Seniors - Female -63
259 KUESTER Ilias Germany Seniors - Male -100
260 KUMTAS Soner Turkey Seniors - Male -73
261 KUNZE Nicolas Germany Seniors - Male -66
262 KURKOID Heorhii Ukraine Seniors - Male -66
263 KUROWSKI Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -60
264 KUTSCHER Nicolas Germany Seniors - Male -60
265 KUŹMA-EBEL Dominika Poland Seniors - Female -78
266 KVANTIDZE Otari Portugal Seniors - Male -73
267 Kaleta Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -52
268 KŁOS Miłosz Poland Seniors - Male +100
269 L HERBIER Teo France Seniors - Male -90
270 L HERBIER Lou France Seniors - Male -81
271 LAKOS Mate Hungary Seniors - Male -100
272 LARKIN Danylo Ukraine Seniors - Male -60
273 LASSA IGLESIAS Javier Spain Seniors - Male -60
274 LAVI Yaheli Israel Seniors - Male -90
275 LAVRIJSSEN Maud Netherlands Seniors - Female -70
276 LEMIRE Lou France Seniors - Female -57
277 LENNERT Vilmos Austria Seniors - Male -90
278 LESYUK Artem Ukraine Seniors - Male -60
279 LETORDS Jimmy France Seniors - Male -66
280 LEUTGEB Daniel Austria Seniors - Male -60
281 LEVIN Ido Israel Seniors - Male -81
282 LEVY Benjamin Great Britain Seniors - Male -73
283 LIBERT Tom France Seniors - Male -81
284 LIMA Pedro Portugal Seniors - Male -90
285 LIS Wiktoria Poland Seniors - Female +78
286 LOSKA Olaf Poland Seniors - Male -73
287 LUDFORD Shelley Great Britain Seniors - Female -78
288 LYTVYNENKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
289 MACALOU SOUCKO Moussa Spain Seniors - Male -73
290 MACHUTADZE Nodar Ukraine Seniors - Male +100
291 MAERKT Levi Germany Seniors - Male -73
292 MAJCHER Norbert Poland Seniors - Male -90
293 MAMIRA Luca Hungary Seniors - Female -52
294 MANOVA Yoana Bulgaria Seniors - Female -63
295 MANZI Elios Italy Seniors - Male -66
296 MARANDIAN Karo Ukraine Seniors - Male -66
297 MARCHAND Valentine France Seniors - Female +78
298 MARINX Ray Belgium Seniors - Male -73
299 MARQUES Alicia France Seniors - Female -52
300 MARTIN GIL Alicia Spain Seniors - Female -57
301 MARTINEZ COIN Marcos Spain Seniors - Male -90
302 MARTIROSIAN Hahik Ukraine Seniors - Male -66
303 MASSON JBILOU Driss France Seniors - Male -66
304 MATHE Bence Hungary Seniors - Male -66
305 MATIKAINEN Pihla Finland Seniors - Female -57
306 MATT Naïm Switzerland Seniors - Male -73
307 MAVLIDOV Mukhammedali Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -100
308 MECHOWSKI Dawid Poland Seniors - Male -90
309 MEEUWSSEN Lien Belgium Seniors - Female -70
310 MENDES Wilgner Brazil Seniors - Male -100
311 MICHAEL Aristos Cyprus Seniors - Male -100
312 MICHNA Kamil Poland Seniors - Male -66
313 MIDDLETON Saya Australia Seniors - Female -70
314 MIENANDI LALOU Grace-Esther France Seniors - Female +78
315 MIKLóSVöLGYI Dániel Hungary Seniors - Male -90
316 MORAIS Guilherme Brazil Seniors - Male -90
317 MORENO CAMPO June Spain Seniors - Female -78
318 MRÓWCZYŃSKI Wiktor Poland Seniors - Male -73
319 MUHLACK Tycho Netherlands Seniors - Male -81
320 MUKBANIANI Gabo Georgia Seniors - Male +100
321 MUNNINGS Andrew Bahamas Seniors - Male -73
322 MURADIMOVA AISHABIBI Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -52
323 MURAWSKI Maximilian Germany Seniors - Male -73
324 MURCO Richard Slovakia Seniors - Male -81
325 MURILLO MARTINEZ DE LIZARRONDO Asier Spain Seniors - Male -60
326 MURPHY Bertille Germany Seniors - Female -70
327 MUSIL Radomír Czechia Seniors - Male -90
328 MUSZYŃSKA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -78
329 NAIRNE Ethan Great Britain Seniors - Male -73
330 NAJI David Hungary Seniors - Male -60
331 NALBAT Kamile Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
332 NARBAYEV Bauyrzhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -66
333 NASCHCHO Issa Austria Seniors - Male -81
334 NASIROVS Abulfazs Latvia Seniors - Male -73
335 NAVICKAITE Marta Lithuania Seniors - Female -70
336 NDAO YVES Belgium Seniors - Male +100
337 NDIAYE Binta Switzerland Seniors - Female -57
338 NERPEL Gergely Hungary Seniors - Male -90
339 NEUMANN Eryk Great Britain Seniors - Male -81
340 NGAYAP Marc Francois France Seniors - Male -100
341 NGELEBEYA Liz France Seniors - Female -78
342 NGUYEN LILI France Seniors - Female -63
343 NIEDERDORFER Michael Austria Seniors - Male -100
344 NIETO TRINIDAD Daniel Spain Seniors - Male -90
345 NOACK Nele Germany Seniors - Female -70
346 NOEL Kylian France Seniors - Male -66
347 NOVITZKI Adelina Israel Seniors - Female -70
348 OLIINYK-KORNIIKO Anna Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
349 OLIVEIRA Danielle Brazil Seniors - Female -70
350 ONYSK Oliwia Poland Seniors - Female -48
351 ORYNBASSAROVA Assylzhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -63
352 OUERFELLI Kerim Poland Seniors - Male -90
353 PANKOWSKI Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -90
354 PANTANO Angelo Italy Seniors - Male -66
355 PARICHE Andres Venezuela Seniors - Male -73
356 PARODI LORENZO Italy Seniors - Male -81
357 PASEVIN Grigorii Armenia Seniors - Male -81
358 PAŁKA Agata Poland Seniors - Female -70
359 PEC Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -73
360 PELLITTERI Silvia Italy Seniors - Female -57
361 PERNA KENYA Italy Seniors - Male -100
362 PETERSEN POLLARD Kelly Great Britain Seniors - Female -70
363 PETGRAVE Jamal Great Britain Seniors - Male -90
364 PETIT Lois Belgium Seniors - Female -48
365 PETRE Bogdan Romania Seniors - Male -100
366 PIECHOTA Stanislaw Poland Seniors - Male -60
367 PINTERA Daniel Czechia Seniors - Male -90
368 PIRES Kainan Brazil Seniors - Male -73
369 PLISH SNIZHANA Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
370 POHL Julia Germany Seniors - Female -70
371 POHOŘALÝ Jakub Czechia Seniors - Male -90
372 POKK Armand Hungary Seniors - Male -73
373 POLIAK Matej Slovakia Seniors - Male -73
374 POLIKEVICIUS Simas Lithuania Seniors - Male -66
375 PONCET Charlotte France Seniors - Female -63
376 PONNET Dries Belgium Seniors - Male -73
377 PRZYBYLSKI Szymon Poland Seniors - Male -73
378 PTASIŃSKA Amelia Poland Seniors - Female -63
379 Petryka Igor Poland Seniors - Male -66
380 RACHAEL Hawkes Ireland Seniors - Female -70
381 RADIĆ Tina Croatia Seniors - Female +78
382 RADVANSZKI Szilard Romania Seniors - Male -81
383 RAFAILOV Lior Israel Seniors - Male -60
384 RAMETTA Ryley Australia Seniors - Female -63
385 RAMOS Eliza Brazil Seniors - Female -78
386 RAULUSONIS Augis Lithuania Seniors - Male -73
387 RENES Tigo Netherlands Seniors - Male -90
388 RENES Elena Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
389 REYES Monica United States of America Seniors - Female -52
390 RIBEIRO Clarice Brazil Seniors - Female -48
391 RIGANO Lorenzo Italy Seniors - Male -90
392 RIGAUD Yann France Seniors - Male +100
393 RIPSATER Isac Sweden Seniors - Male -66
394 RODRIGUEZ SALVADOR Adriana Spain Seniors - Female -57
395 ROGALSKI Oskar Poland Seniors - Male -90
396 ROS ARTEM Ukraine Seniors - Male -73
397 ROSEN Roie Israel Seniors - Male -60
398 ROSSET Aline Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
399 ROZENBAUM Magdalena Poland Seniors - Female -52
400 RUBIANO Alexandre France Seniors - Male -73
401 RYBIN Stanislav Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
402 RYTSKA Mariia Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
403 SAGI Nikolett Hungary Seniors - Female -78
404 SAKHATSKA Sofiya Israel Seniors - Female -57
405 SALISZ Mateusz Poland Seniors - Male -81
406 SAMPINO FRANCESCO Italy Seniors - Male -60
407 SANTAMARIA RODRIGUEZ Aaron Spain Seniors - Male -90
408 SAPARGALIYEV Adilet Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -100
409 SCHELL Joes Netherlands Seniors - Male -100
410 SCHENK Magdalena Poland Seniors - Female -70
411 SCHMID Lea Germany Seniors - Female -78
412 SCHMIDT Noel Germany Seniors - Male -66
413 SCHMIDT Tim Germany Seniors - Male -100
414 SCHREDER Leon Germany Seniors - Male -90
415 SEMCHENKO Diana Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
416 SENTURK Gulkader Turkey Seniors - Female -52
417 SERBAN Eduard Romania Seniors - Male -100
418 SERRA Chiara Germany Seniors - Female -52
419 SHAW Summer Great Britain Seniors - Female -48
420 SHMAILOV Baruch Israel Seniors - Male -73
421 SHORT Oliver Great Britain Seniors - Male -73
422 SHUHALIEIEV ANTON Ukraine Seniors - Male -73
423 SHYLOVA Alina Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
424 SHYNKARENKO Inna Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
426 SIENNICKA Karolina Poland Seniors - Female -57
427 SILVA Henrique Brazil Seniors - Male -66
428 SIMEONOV Ivan Bulgaria Seniors - Male -60
429 SIMIN Iosif Russia Seniors - Male -100
430 SINANOVIC Emil Montenegro Seniors - Male -66
431 SIVAN roy Israel Seniors - Male -90
432 SKERLEV Victor Bulgaria Seniors - Male -73
433 SLYTERIS Augustas Lithuania Seniors - Male -90
434 SNIJDERS Thomas Netherlands Seniors - Male -81
435 SOJKA Alexandr Czechia Seniors - Male -81
436 SOKIRJANSKA Anastasija Latvia Seniors - Female -57
437 SOOK Emilie Denmark Seniors - Female -70
438 STAKHOV Nicole Germany Seniors - Female -52
439 STANDKE Maximilian Germany Seniors - Male -60
440 STARK Vladimir Germany Seniors - Male -81
441 STASIULYTE Rugile Lithuania Seniors - Female +78
442 STODOLSKI Adam Poland Seniors - Male -73
443 STOKŁOSA Natalia Poland Seniors - Female -48
444 STOLZE Friederike Germany Seniors - Female -63
445 SULCA Adrian Romania Seniors - Male -81
446 SUPERVIELLE Gabin France Seniors - Male -60
447 SVIDRAK Mykhaylo Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
448 SVIRYD Mikita Croatia Seniors - Male +100
449 SWAN Maria Australia Seniors - Female -78
450 SWEERS Paulien Netherlands Seniors - Female +78
451 SWINKELS Nadia Netherlands Seniors - Female -70
452 SYKISH Anastasiia Ukraine Seniors - Female -48
453 SZABO Aron Hungary Seniors - Male -73
454 SZAFRAN Agata Poland Seniors - Female -63
455 SZATKOWSKI Konrad Poland Seniors - Male -81
456 SZLACHTA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -48
457 SZTANKO Daniel Hungary Seniors - Male -90
458 SZULIK Dawid Poland Seniors - Male -81
459 SZULIK Szymon Poland Seniors - Male -81
460 SZYMAŃSKA Angelika Poland Seniors - Female -63
461 SZYMAŃSKI Szymon Poland Seniors - Male -66
462 Sordyl Jakub Poland Seniors - Male +100
463 Svoboda Jan Czechia Seniors - Male -81
464 TALACH Tomasz Poland Seniors - Male -100
465 TARKOWSKI Fabrycjusz Poland Seniors - Male -81
466 TATTIMBEK Dinassyl Kazakhstan Seniors - Male +100
467 TELBAYEVA Diana Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -70
468 TERESIŃSKI Grzegorz Poland Seniors - Male +100
469 THOMPSON Rhys Great Britain Seniors - Male -100
470 TILEUKHANOVA Nazerke Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -78
471 TIMO Barbara Portugal Seniors - Female -70
472 TOROSYAN Artak Armenia Seniors - Male -73
473 TOTH Benedek Hungary Seniors - Male -81
474 TOTH Botond Hungary Seniors - Male -81
475 TRETNJAK Lisa Austria Seniors - Female -63
476 TSIMKO Olga Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
477 TSURKAN IGOR Ukraine Seniors - Male -81
478 TUPYTSKYI Denys Ukraine Seniors - Male -60
479 TURANSKY Martin Austria Seniors - Male -100
480 TURGYNALIYEV Zhambyl Kazakhstan Seniors - Male +100
481 TURLYBEK Dias Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -81
482 TWAROWSKA Barbara Poland Seniors - Female -48
483 TYLEK Paweł Poland Seniors - Male -66
484 TYMBAYEV Yernur Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -90
485 UBASART MASCARÓ_ Carla Spain Seniors - Female -57
486 URDIALES Manon France Seniors - Female -48
487 VAGO Levente Hungary Seniors - Male -81
488 VALCHEV Emil Bulgaria Seniors - Male -81
489 VALIEIEV TYMUR Ukraine Seniors - Male -90
490 VALKOV Hristo Bulgaria Seniors - Male -81
491 VAN DE MEEBERG Shannon Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
492 VAN DER SALM Franka Netherlands Seniors - Female -52
493 VAN HARTEN Jochem Netherlands Seniors - Male -66
494 VAN HEEMST Yael Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
495 VANDEMIR Hatice Turkey Seniors - Female -78
496 VARGA Brigitta Hungary Seniors - Female -63
497 VERFAILLIE Luna Belgium Seniors - Female -57
498 VERGNES Richard France Seniors - Male -60
499 VETTERLI Gioia Switzerland Seniors - Female -70
500 VIDA Andras Hungary Seniors - Male -60
501 VISSERS Lars Netherlands Seniors - Male -100
502 VOJNIKOVICH Danny Australia Seniors - Male -90
503 VON LEUPOLDT Charlotte Germany Seniors - Female -63
504 VULPASIN Maria-Nicoleta Greece Seniors - Female -78
505 WAIZENEGGER John Switzerland Seniors - Male -73
506 WAIZENEGGER Samuel Switzerland Seniors - Male -60
507 WAIZENEGGER Jesse Switzerland Seniors - Male -60
508 WANDEL Vera Netherlands Seniors - Female -52
509 WAWRZONEK Jakub Poland Seniors - Male -90
510 WEGELE Alexander Germany Seniors - Male -60
511 WEILL DIT MOREY Julie France Seniors - Female -52
512 WIDLAK Nicole Poland Seniors - Female -78
513 WIENEKE Vincent Germany Seniors - Male -73
514 WONG Jason Netherlands Seniors - Male -60
515 WOŹNIAK Zuzanna Poland Seniors - Female -48
516 Wolszczak Kinga Poland Seniors - Female +78
517 Wróblewska Eliza Poland Seniors - Female -70
518 WĄSIKOWSKI Michał Poland Seniors - Male -90
519 YEDILBAYEV Madi Kazakhstan Seniors - Male +100
520 YEKSAN Ayten Turkey Seniors - Female -63
521 YEREZHEPOVA Aruzhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -52
522 YERSHOV Oleksii Ukraine Seniors - Male -100
523 YESTAY Serikbol Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -90
524 ZACHEJA Maciej Poland Seniors - Male -73
525 ZADRAVEC Gabriel Slovenia Seniors - Male -66
526 ZAGURI Daniella Israel Seniors - Female -57
527 ZAWISTOWSKI Franek Poland Seniors - Male -100
528 ZDANOWSKI Eryk Poland Seniors - Male -66
529 ZHOLZHAXYNOV Doskhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -81
530 ZHONYSSOV Miras Kazakhstan Seniors - Male -66
531 ZIEWALICZ Oliwia Poland Seniors - Female +78
532 ZOUBKO Daniyl France Seniors - Male -81
533 ZUAZNABAR-TORRES Amanda Romania Seniors - Female -63
534 ZULYS Algirdas Lithuania Seniors - Male -81
535 Zemanová Věra Czechia Seniors - Female -70
536 Zárybnická Julie Czechia Seniors - Female -70
537 davladze Nikoloz Georgia Seniors - Male -90
538 ŚLĄZOK Wiktoria Poland Seniors - Female -52
539 გაფრინდაშვილი ხვიჩა Georgia Seniors - Male -66
540 გოჩიაშვილი შოთიკო Georgia Seniors - Male +100
541 გრიგალაშვილი ტატო Georgia Seniors - Male -90
542 მაზიაშვილი თორნიკე Georgia Seniors - Male -60
543 მოდებაძე ლუკა Georgia Seniors - Male -60
544 პავლიაშვილი ვახტანგ Georgia Seniors - Male -81
545 საგანელიძე ლუკა Georgia Seniors - Male -66
546 სარდალაშვილი გიორგი Georgia Seniors - Male -66
547 ტაბატაძე უჩა Georgia Seniors - Male +100
548 წინწილაშვილი ისლამ Georgia Seniors - Male -100
549 ხმალაძე გიორგი Georgia Seniors - Male -100
550 ხუზაურაშვილი ნიკა Georgia Seniors - Male -60
551 ჯაფარიძე მიხეილ Georgia Seniors - Male -100