1 ABRAHAM Titanilla Hungary Seniors - Female -57
2 AFYONLU Habibe Turkey Seniors - Female -63
3 AKDENIZ Minel Turkey Seniors - Female -63
4 AMIHAI Shaked Israel Seniors - Female -78
5 ANNIS Morgane France Seniors - Female -48
6 AVANZATO ASIA Italy Seniors - Female -52
7 BAUER Bettina Germany Seniors - Female -63
8 BEORLEGUI OSES Paula Spain Seniors - Female -52
9 BERR Sonja Michelle Germany Seniors - Female -63
10 BERTHET Lola France Seniors - Female -57
11 BORDINSKYKH SOFIIA Ukraine Seniors - Female -63
12 BOUIZGARNE Samira Germany Seniors - Female +78
13 BOUSBAA DAB Nisrin Spain Seniors - Female -78
14 BOUVIER Gabrielle Belgium Seniors - Female +78
15 BRAS Margarida Portugal Seniors - Female -63
16 BRAS Raquel Portugal Seniors - Female -57
17 BRITO Raquel Portugal Seniors - Female -52
18 BUDDENKOTTE Eva Ronja Germany Seniors - Female -78
19 BULAVINA Ruslana Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
20 BĄCZEK Maria Poland Seniors - Female -70
21 CAMILO Dandara Brazil Seniors - Female -78
22 CARROUTH Karlee United States of America Seniors - Female -63
23 CASTELLANO NARINO Thalia Romania Seniors - Female +78
24 CHEVALIER Mathilde France Seniors - Female -52
25 CHOBOT Klaudia Poland Seniors - Female -78
26 CHRISTENSEN Helene Denmark Seniors - Female -63
27 CHYZHEVSKA ANASTASIIA Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
28 CIANO raffaellla lelia Italy Seniors - Female -63
29 CIEŚLIK Klaudia Poland Seniors - Female -52
30 CORNELISSE Pleuni Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
31 COUGHLAN Aoife Australia Seniors - Female -70
32 CRISOSTOMO Joana Portugal Seniors - Female -70
33 CUQ Pauline France Seniors - Female -52
34 CZERLAU Jennifer Romania Seniors - Female -70
35 DE CARVALHO Alya France Seniors - Female -57
36 DIARRASSOUBA Oceane France Seniors - Female +78
37 DIMITROVA Gabriela Bulgaria Seniors - Female -52
38 DORI Romi Israel Seniors - Female -57
39 DRID Rania France Seniors - Female -63
40 DUPIN_ Lucie France Seniors - Female +78
41 DYBA Anna Poland Seniors - Female -78
42 DZIOPA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -78
43 EASTON Tinka Australia Seniors - Female -57
44 ESPADINHA Laura France Seniors - Female -48
45 FAIZOLLANOVA Zamzagul Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -78
46 FERNANDEZ CAMPILLO Sara Spain Seniors - Female -78
47 FOLGER Viktoria Germany Seniors - Female -63
48 FREITAS BEATRIZ Brazil Seniors - Female -78
49 FRIDEN Chiara Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
50 FÍZEĽOVÁ EMA Slovakia Seniors - Female -70
51 GAL Ronny Israel Seniors - Female -78
52 GARCIA MARTIN marta Spain Seniors - Female -57
53 GEILEN Joni Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
54 GERSJES Amber Netherlands Seniors - Female -48
55 GERTSCH Olivia Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
56 GIDRON Ofir Israel Seniors - Female -57
57 GIMENES Karol Priscila Brazil Seniors - Female -78
58 GIORGI GIULIA Italy Seniors - Female -52
59 GLUBIAK Magda Poland Seniors - Female -70
60 GNETO Astride France Seniors - Female -52
61 GOGUA Maria Eleni Greece Seniors - Female -52
62 GOMEZ ANTONA Gemma Maria Spain Seniors - Female -48
63 GOMEZ ANTONA Laura Spain Seniors - Female -52
64 GORGUET-VERANES Maidelines Romania Seniors - Female -78
65 GRABNER Lisa Austria Seniors - Female -63
66 GRAUER Tayla Germany Seniors - Female -70
67 HABERSTOCK Laura France Seniors - Female -70
68 HANSTEDE Linde Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
69 HAYUN Ilay Israel Seniors - Female -52
70 HEYNS Maxine Belgium Seniors - Female -70
71 HIDEN Verena Austria Seniors - Female -57
72 HOELLWART Maria Austria Seniors - Female +78
73 HOELTERHOFF Julie Germany Seniors - Female -78
74 HOMAN Khrystyna Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
75 INSUA IGLESIAS Andrea Spain Seniors - Female -57
76 ISSOUFI Kaila France Seniors - Female -78
77 JANECZKO Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -52
78 JANSSEN Danique Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
79 JAWOROWSKI Naemi Sweden Seniors - Female -63
80 JOSHUA Noga Israel Seniors - Female -57
81 KANELLOPOULOU Melina Greece Seniors - Female -78
82 KARADAG Aysenur Turkey Seniors - Female -57
83 KARADEMIR Ezgi Turkey Seniors - Female -63
84 KAZAKOVA Anna Ukraine Seniors - Female -78
85 KEEN Tatum Great Britain Seniors - Female -52
86 KELEMEN Adél Hungary Seniors - Female -63
87 KLAUS-STERNWIESER Carina Austria Seniors - Female -52
88 KLIMCZAK Kinga Poland Seniors - Female -52
89 KOCIĘBA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female +78
90 KONARE SISSOKO Deniba Spain Seniors - Female -57
91 KONOPKA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -70
92 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita Hungary Seniors - Female -48
93 KOTEY Rachel Ghana Seniors - Female -70
94 KOVACS Kitti Hungary Seniors - Female -57
95 KOWALEWSKA Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -70
96 KRAPU Emma Finland Seniors - Female -78
97 KRIZA Anna Hungary Seniors - Female -63
98 KUCHAVA Iia Ukraine Seniors - Female -63
99 KUŹMA-EBEL Dominika Poland Seniors - Female -78
100 Kaleta Aleksandra Poland Seniors - Female -52
101 LAVRIJSSEN Maud Netherlands Seniors - Female -70
102 LEMIRE Lou France Seniors - Female -57
103 LIS Wiktoria Poland Seniors - Female +78
104 LUDFORD Shelley Great Britain Seniors - Female -78
105 LYTVYNENKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
106 MAMIRA Luca Hungary Seniors - Female -52
107 MANOVA Yoana Bulgaria Seniors - Female -63
108 MARCHAND Valentine France Seniors - Female +78
109 MARQUES Alicia France Seniors - Female -52
110 MARTIN GIL Alicia Spain Seniors - Female -57
111 MATIKAINEN Pihla Finland Seniors - Female -57
112 MEEUWSSEN Lien Belgium Seniors - Female -70
113 MIDDLETON Saya Australia Seniors - Female -70
114 MIENANDI LALOU Grace-Esther France Seniors - Female +78
115 MORENO CAMPO June Spain Seniors - Female -78
116 MURADIMOVA AISHABIBI Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -52
117 MURPHY Bertille Germany Seniors - Female -70
118 MUSZYŃSKA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -78
119 NALBAT Kamile Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
120 NAVICKAITE Marta Lithuania Seniors - Female -70
121 NDIAYE Binta Switzerland Seniors - Female -57
122 NGELEBEYA Liz France Seniors - Female -78
123 NGUYEN LILI France Seniors - Female -63
124 NOACK Nele Germany Seniors - Female -70
125 NOVITZKI Adelina Israel Seniors - Female -70
126 OLIINYK-KORNIIKO Anna Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
127 OLIVEIRA Danielle Brazil Seniors - Female -70
128 ONYSK Oliwia Poland Seniors - Female -48
129 ORYNBASSAROVA Assylzhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -63
130 PAŁKA Agata Poland Seniors - Female -70
131 PELLITTERI Silvia Italy Seniors - Female -57
132 PETERSEN POLLARD Kelly Great Britain Seniors - Female -70
133 PETIT Lois Belgium Seniors - Female -48
134 PLISH SNIZHANA Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
135 POHL Julia Germany Seniors - Female -70
136 PONCET Charlotte France Seniors - Female -63
137 PTASIŃSKA Amelia Poland Seniors - Female -63
138 RACHAEL Hawkes Ireland Seniors - Female -70
139 RADIĆ Tina Croatia Seniors - Female +78
140 RAMETTA Ryley Australia Seniors - Female -63
141 RAMOS Eliza Brazil Seniors - Female -78
142 RENES Elena Netherlands Seniors - Female -63
143 REYES Monica United States of America Seniors - Female -52
144 RIBEIRO Clarice Brazil Seniors - Female -48
145 RODRIGUEZ SALVADOR Adriana Spain Seniors - Female -57
146 ROSSET Aline Switzerland Seniors - Female -63
147 ROZENBAUM Magdalena Poland Seniors - Female -52
148 RYTSKA Mariia Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
149 SAGI Nikolett Hungary Seniors - Female -78
150 SAKHATSKA Sofiya Israel Seniors - Female -57
151 SCHENK Magdalena Poland Seniors - Female -70
152 SCHMID Lea Germany Seniors - Female -78
153 SEMCHENKO Diana Ukraine Seniors - Female +78
154 SENTURK Gulkader Turkey Seniors - Female -52
155 SERRA Chiara Germany Seniors - Female -52
156 SHAW Summer Great Britain Seniors - Female -48
157 SHYLOVA Alina Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
158 SHYNKARENKO Inna Ukraine Seniors - Female -57
159 SIENNICKA Karolina Poland Seniors - Female -57
160 SOKIRJANSKA Anastasija Latvia Seniors - Female -57
161 SOOK Emilie Denmark Seniors - Female -70
162 STAKHOV Nicole Germany Seniors - Female -52
163 STASIULYTE Rugile Lithuania Seniors - Female +78
164 STOKŁOSA Natalia Poland Seniors - Female -48
165 STOLZE Friederike Germany Seniors - Female -63
166 SWAN Maria Australia Seniors - Female -78
167 SWEERS Paulien Netherlands Seniors - Female +78
168 SWINKELS Nadia Netherlands Seniors - Female -70
169 SYKISH Anastasiia Ukraine Seniors - Female -48
170 SZAFRAN Agata Poland Seniors - Female -63
171 SZLACHTA Paulina Poland Seniors - Female -48
172 SZYMAŃSKA Angelika Poland Seniors - Female -63
173 TELBAYEVA Diana Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -70
174 TILEUKHANOVA Nazerke Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -78
175 TIMO Barbara Portugal Seniors - Female -70
176 TRETNJAK Lisa Austria Seniors - Female -63
177 TSIMKO Olga Ukraine Seniors - Female -70
178 TWAROWSKA Barbara Poland Seniors - Female -48
179 UBASART MASCARÓ_ Carla Spain Seniors - Female -57
180 URDIALES Manon France Seniors - Female -48
181 VAN DE MEEBERG Shannon Netherlands Seniors - Female -57
182 VAN DER SALM Franka Netherlands Seniors - Female -52
183 VAN HEEMST Yael Netherlands Seniors - Female -78
184 VANDEMIR Hatice Turkey Seniors - Female -78
185 VARGA Brigitta Hungary Seniors - Female -63
186 VERFAILLIE Luna Belgium Seniors - Female -57
187 VETTERLI Gioia Switzerland Seniors - Female -70
188 VON LEUPOLDT Charlotte Germany Seniors - Female -63
189 VULPASIN Maria-Nicoleta Greece Seniors - Female -78
190 WANDEL Vera Netherlands Seniors - Female -52
191 WEILL DIT MOREY Julie France Seniors - Female -52
192 WIDLAK Nicole Poland Seniors - Female -78
193 WOŹNIAK Zuzanna Poland Seniors - Female -48
194 Wolszczak Kinga Poland Seniors - Female +78
195 Wróblewska Eliza Poland Seniors - Female -70
196 YEKSAN Ayten Turkey Seniors - Female -63
197 YEREZHEPOVA Aruzhan Kazakhstan Seniors - Female -52
198 ZAGURI Daniella Israel Seniors - Female -57
199 ZIEWALICZ Oliwia Poland Seniors - Female +78
200 ZUAZNABAR-TORRES Amanda Romania Seniors - Female -63
201 Zemanová Věra Czechia Seniors - Female -70
202 Zárybnická Julie Czechia Seniors - Female -70
203 ŚLĄZOK Wiktoria Poland Seniors - Female -52